CREATE-ing an opportunity

I can’t count the number of times we’ve pined for increased funding of healthcare-associated infection prevention research. I’m happy to say that Eli is putting more “money where his mouth is” in this regard, having just received a $4.2 million, five year grant to investigate MRSA infection prevention approaches. This VA HSR&D grant was part of the “Collaborative Research to Enhance and Advance Transformation and Excellence (CREATE)” initiative. Much like the NIH PPG, the CREATE grants fund several (in this case four) major projects that are interrelated along a common theme.

So, a CREATE grant now creates a great opportunity for Eli and his colleagues to advance the science of MRSA prevention. Among the principal and co-investigators in this multicenter partnership are Heather Reisinger, Marin Schweizer, Mark Vander Weg (all in Iowa City), Mike Rubin (Salt Lake City), Luci Leykum (San Antonio) and Dan Morgan (Baltimore).

Congratulations—now, of course, the work begins!


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